Disney Music Videos
Who likes pop music? And who likes Disney movies? How about combining the two to create Disney Music Videos? A few years ago I was really hooked on Disney music videos. It was something I loved to watch on YouTube. After watching so many, I decided to make a few myself. At the time I wanted to make a video for every Disney movie I could get my hands on. But later on, i just stopped making them due to not being so interested in it anymore. Today I was looking through my YouTube channel and came across these videos I made two years ago. I worked really hard on them and was really proud with the end result. Actually watching them right now, I'm still really proud with the work I did. I made them for to entertain people with the same interests as myself. I will post the links here so you can see them for yourselves. I made three Disney music videos. I used the song "Starships" from Nicki Minaj with The Hunchback of Notre Dame. This took me a few hours to make....