Get The Creative Juices Flowing

Sometimes, I get these moments where I feel like I don't have any creative ideas or motivation to draw or write. There is a few things that help me when these times come.

I go for a walk. Getting out of the house is great to getting your juices flowing. Going out and exploring your area can sure give you ideas. The fresh air that comes with going outside can surely give you something. I enjoy walking by the lake, it is really relaxing and it's the best place to think. Going into a forest is also a great way to give you ideas. All the noises in the forest; the birds chirping, the leaves and branches cracking under your feet, these things can sure help you.

Listen to music. Do you ever listen to those songs that give you flashing images in your head? Like while you are listening to it, there's a movie playing your head. That happens to me a lot and it for sure gives me ideas.

Read a book. What is your favorite book or short story? Why shouldn't you read to get ideas? When you read you should get images in your head. so why not use those images for something productive?
I'm sure you can come up with something great!

Watch a movie. This one isn't one that I wouldn't recommend completely because when I watch a movie, I feel lazy afterwards to do anything. So I just want to sit there watching more. I can spend a whole day watching movies sometimes. Have done so many times with my girlfriend. But some movies have great story line that can give you ideas for something.

Look at art on deviant art. DeviantART is a social networking site for artists. It is quite popular and there are tons of images and stories on there. You can check my Deviant art page: Here What I like to do when I'm bored is look at fantastic art. You can find hundreds of pieces here. There is also tutorials on how to draw so that is helpful, helps me a lot.

And lastly I look at Facebook. Most of time there is a lot of crap on Facebook, like duck faces and selfies. But sometimes there's things that are interesting. Like thoughtful statuses that get you thinking, beautiful photos someone took or uploaded. There can be lots of of interesting things on Facebook.

Well there is many ways to get you creative juices flowing. Hopefully I helped give you ideas. Leave comments below if there is something else that helps you. 


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