Hay Day Tips and Tricks Part 2

Hello again! This is part two of my Hay Day Tricks and Tips. If you haven't read part one click here. 

Achievements are great, once completed you can get diamonds and experience. There are many achievements to complete, easy and hard. When you just want to get diamonds you can do them. In part one I gave a link to a guide to completing some of them, I will add it here.

Next I would like to talk about the currency in the game. There are 4 types; coins, diamonds, vouchers and gift cards.

You can use coins to buy just about anything in the game. Whether it be machines, animals, decorations, trees or any product in other players shops. You can also get coins from doing truck and boat orders and selling to visitors. When you get to the level you can start using your town, then you can also get money by filling in the townspeople's needs. You can also find coins in the mystery box or the balloon that Tom lets go of.

Next is diamonds, they are rarer than coins and are much harder to get. You can use them to speed production up, buy missing items or decorations. Like I said before, you can get them by completing the achievements. You get them when you level up, catching a new fish, or the occasional events. When they are having issues with the game, they will usually give a few diamonds for having the game not working. Like coins, you can find them in mystery boxes too. When you start playing the game you get 30 diamonds for free, lucky you!

Vouchers are a little harder to find, they can be obtained by doing boat orders, some special truck deliveries, find them in mystery boxes or a chance to get them in the Wheel of Fortune game which you can play once a day. There are 4 colors of vouchers; green, blue, purple and orange. You can buy special animals with them. In "special animals" I mean pets like dogs, cats, horses, donkeys and now, rabbits. You can also use the vouchers to make special lures for fishing.

Next is the gift cards. You get these as thank you gifts from people when you help them. You can help players by reviving dead trees and filling up crates on boats. After getting a certain number of gift cards, you can order a package and get a mystery item inside it. You have a chance of getting a bunch of diamonds!

All the currencies are hard to get your hands on. Coins would be the easiest to get. If I were you, I'd save as much as can because you'll never know when you'll need them.

Also you can buy those gift cards they have in stores to add real money in the game. It's worth it to buy the diamonds because they are rarer. And with diamonds you buy anything, even gift cards and vouchers.

As I mentioned before you can buy pets with vouchers. I think they are a great investment because when you click on them to wake them up, you'll get experience and it helps to get that extra experience from somewhere. I currently have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 horses and a rabbit. I want to buy more buy I'm saving my vouchers.

(As you can see there are cats, dogs and horses)

There are too many products to talk about each one, so I'll just talk about what I think sells good in the road side shop. And these are my own personal opinions so you don't have to follow me word for word.

I think the dairy products and the sugars are good to sell. Those are the base products to make almost everything else in the game and when people need to make stuff for orders or stuff they will look for the products they are missing. Usually they are the dairy products and sugars. I personally, always look for sugar and stuff because it takes long to wait for them to make in the sugar mill.

Items that are hard to sell, but give you loads of money are the clothes. Sweaters, hats, scarves, shirts, dresses and chaps. These are where the money is, but people usually don't buy these things unless they need them for an order, otherwise it will stay in your road side shop until one of the NPCs buy it (Greg or Tom or the other visitors).

Cakes, pies, juices, ice creams, jams and many more also sell for a lot. The thing I like doing is selling 10 at a time at full price. If the item you are selling isn't found often on the newspaper, people will buy it ASAP. For example, I would sell 10 blackberry jam at full price for 3880 coins. Someone will see that and buy it right away. Imagine all the other thing you can sell just like the blackberry jam.

I think that is it for my knowledge of Hay Day. If you have a question, or if there's things I missed you can leave comment below and I'll try to answer you best I can. I hope these posts have helped you with the game. I will probably make a new post in a few months when I level up some more or learn new things.

This is my Game Center account if you would like to add me and be my neighbor.
My account is miijojo1994, if I don't receive your request you can put your game center name in the comments and I'll add you.

Thank you for reading Part two of my version of Hay Day tips and tricks. If you haven't read Part one, click here. 
Check out this Hay Day guide below, it's great! 

Have a nice day and happy farming! 


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