Hay Day Tips and Tricks Part 1

Hello, I'm going to write this post of Hay Day tips and tricks in a few parts. There are many things I would like to say and I think I should help people who love to play the game.

I'm a daily player and have been playing this game for the past year. I'm level 45 and I know quite a few things about the game. In the past year I played, I came across a few tricks that helped me play the game and do things better.

First, I would like to talk about crops. Every crop you plant will double when you harvest it. So keep that in mind when you are planting them. Make sure that you never sell all of your crops, I did this once accidentally and I didn't like it. You will need to use diamonds to buy 1 crop. So it isn't worth it, just make sure you have enough crops before selling them.

Later on in the game you will be able to buy animals (if you don't have them already) and you'll need the basic crops like wheat, carrots, soybeans and corn to make feed for them. It is really important to always have feed, you can't have your animals going hungry!

When you are planting take a look at the timing of each. What I usually do before closing the game is fill my plots with crops that take long to grow so I can harvest them later when I can play again.

I usually split up my crops so I can plant everything. At times I'll fill up all plots with wheat because it is the fastest growing crop and the more you harvest (anything), you have a chance of finding rare items.

Afterwards when I have over 100 wheat, I usually sell 10 for 1 coin. It isn't very profitable but people buy it fast and it gets taken off my hands, so it's a win/win situation, everyone is happy!

But if you're someone who wants to make money from your crops I'd go for sugarcane and soybeans. But these are getting over used now, they are all over the newspapers. The regular price for 10 sugarcane is 40 coins, that isn't bad. When people will see that they'll think it's a good deal. And soybeans are 30 coins. Make sure you don't check "Advertise 3 Hours" button, only use it when your shop is full so that way people visiting will see everything on sale and not show up to a shop with 1 item.

I also sell crops to those people who visit my farm. I usually don't like selling to them because they ask for things I don't want to sell, like the rare items like axes and saws and stuff. Crops I usually sell to them because they are easier to get back.

Once you level up you will be able to buy machines and you'll be able to make new products. The first machine you have is the bakery. A way to make some money is by making as much bread as possible and selling it in your road side shop. People will buy it because it's much faster to buy it rather than to spend the 5 minutes waiting. Also in the boat orders there are sometimes large amounts of bread needed (ex: 20 loaves of bread for 1 crate.) So it can be a lot of money for you. Once you level up and can make better things you can switch to something else.

Something I would do before, was buy a crap load of milk and make a bunch of dairy products, then sell them at full price. Everyone needs the dairy to make other things, and again, they will look for it rather than wait the time. (I don't do it anymore because since I got my town, I'm way to busy with that to make milk products.)

The last machine I bought was the new Honey Extractor. They added bees into the game and you can harvest honeycomb from them to make honey. Which can be used to make other things like the Honey Apple Cake and the Honey Popcorn.   

But really anything you can craft, you can sell and each can make you money, you just need to know what you're doing. If you are good with percentages, you can take 10% off the full price so you will get more people to buy your stuff. I'm not good with percentages (I would need a calculator) so I just sell some stuff at regular price, maybe a little more.

There's little things you can do to make some money like doing truck orders, boat orders and selling to visitors. Personally, I wouldn't do the truck orders for money, I'd only do them for the experience since some orders give a lot of experience. Don't be afraid to delete some orders. I delete the ridiculous ones, some don't give enough money for what they are asking so it's really not worth it. I also do these orders to finish the achievements

Here you can see ways to complete them faster: Achievement Strategy

Thank you for reading Part One of my version of Hay Day tips and tricks. Click here for Part Two. 
Check out this Hay Day guide below, it's great! 

The NEW (2015) Complete Guide to: Hay Day Game Cheats AND Guide with Free Tips & Tricks, Strategy, Walkthrough, Secrets, Download the game, Codes, Gameplay and MORE!

Have a nice day and happy farming! 


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