Marina and the Diamonds Video Parts

I like listening to Marina and the Diamonds, I think her songs are great. On her music videos she has different parts to each video she has, I wonder if together they make a story. 

Part 1: Fear and Loathing

Part 2: Radioactive 

Part 3: Archetypes

Part 4: Primadonna

Part 5: Su-barbie-a

Part 6: Power & Control

Part 7: How To Be A Heartbreaker

Part 8: E.V.O.L

Part 9: State of Dreaming

Part 10: Lies

Part 11: Electra Heart 

The video series with the different parts tell a story. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I'll try my best to interpret it. If you think my interpretation is wrong please feel free to correct me by commenting.

She has come to realize that living her life in bitterness, being mean and to herself, has left her feeling empty. Cutting her hair and putting on makeup is a symbol, she is transforming from her old self, to her new self; the happier and nicer Marina. I also get a sense that she is over coming a fear or anxiety that she might have had, realizing that it will be for the better.  
Later we see her being a rebel destroying the furniture and running off with her boyfriend. I think this might be a memory of hers, the blond wig represents one of the personalities she had, being crazy and dangerous. She's remembering that time period in her life. 
In part 4 (I'm not entirely sure what 3 is) she lives alone in this huge house with her dog. Being alone she fantasizes about being glamorous and being adored by all and living like "she's in a play". 
In part 5 is the memories of being a child, a little girl playing with her barbies and dolls. The dolls have something to do with her personality; her large eye lashes represent the same of dolls. She might have had to act fake, like a doll when she was younger (another memory being in grey). 
In "Power and Control" she is still living in her large house, but this time she has a man with her. This might be present day, where she isn't very happy being with this man. He is like a splatter of black paint on a white canvas, probably meaning he's boring. He works out all the time and plays ball by himself. The only time he's with her is for sex. I think this song is saying how she's trying to get the power to leave him and to be able to control her emotions, (not falling for him but she does each time.) 
It looks like she built a wall around her heart, trying to not be heartbroken again (from the guy in part 6). I think all those guys in the video are her future boyfriends. Where she uses them, but doesn't feel anything for them. She doesn't love them and thinks falling in love is evil. 
In part 9 "The State of Dreaming" she is referring to girls wanting to be like Marilyn Monroe, selling their souls for fame and fortune. 
"Lies" is very powerful, its about her man, not really loving her. Only using her for the fun and games. She wanted him to love her the way she loved him. She wanted to believe the relationship was worth the fight. In the end it wasn't. This is karma giving it to her (for part 7). 
The last video sums up the whole story and ends it saying she's got an electra heart now, and she's done with having the lights on her. I think it's just the ending of her CD. She has a new album coming out next year so she isn't gone. 

Well there is my interpretation, it's probably really horrible since it is my first ever. Enjoy it! 


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