I'm Starting to Working Out

I've started a "Workout routine" so that maybe I can look good for summer 2015. I'm a skinny guy. I'm 20 years old and weigh 122 pounds. It's sad.

Many times in the past, I've tried to gain muscle. But I'm lazy, I'd rather sit in front of a TV or computer watching movies or playing games. So it's really hard to gain muscle that way.

I've started this very easy routine where I do about 50 to 100 wall push ups, about twice a week. Once I get into the habit of the workout, I'll add something else to it. I'll be using this website to find workouts to do at home.

This is me. As you can see I didn't change much within a year. I'm hoping that by doing simple little exercises, I'll gain muscle and look better.  

I'm hoping to keep this up and one day look like this guy. He is super hot and I would like to have a body like his. 


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